en Acupuncture & Herbology



Welcome to en Acupuncture & Herbology.

First I would like to thank YOU for having an interest in being part of your health and taking the initiative to take care of yourself. You have come to the right place. 


At en Acupuncture & Herbology, our mission is to guide you towards your complete and realized self. We teach you to tap into your own intuition and internal healing mechanisms.  This allows you to become more conscious of how you interact with yourself and the relationship you have with whatever is anchoring you down from being the best you.  We advocate self-healing through self-love and self-acceptance. It is important to change the relationship you have with whatever is challenging you. 

We are deeply passionate about and dedicated to supporting your personal health journey. Through deep listening and empathy, we treat everyone who walks through our door as a unique individual. All treatments are catered to you because you are unique. We believe in you and your internal wisdom. We work together as a team to identify your unique needs and to create an individualized program of healing.


To get in touch with us, just click on "Contact Us" and send us a message or book your appointment Here